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World class result on tough Melun race: 21 first prizes against 1,202 pigeons!

Our pigeons have been performing on a very high level this season. Already from the month of April they were to be found in the head of the race, no matter how the weather circumstances were. Our young birds continued these great performances of our old birds. This weekend we sent our youngsters to the middle distance race Melun (310km). It was a very tough race with scattered rain showers and strong head winds from start till end. Our young birds were phenomenal on this Melun (310km) race. According to some people this is THE result of the year in Belgian pigeon racing. We are very proud to have such a talented group of youngsters.

Our pigeons won the following results:

28/08/2021 Melun (310km)
Interfederation 1,202 youngsters: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20-21-23-24-25-30-31-32-37-40-42-44-46-49-54-56-57-…… 87/108

Some interesting facts:
- Speed of the first arrival was 1,172 m/min
- We won the 21 (!) first prizes against 1,202 birds
- 52/108 birds won a prize in the first 10%
- We had a prize percentage of over 80%

The first prize was won by the beautiful checkered hen BE21-6138296. Her father is a new breeder, the checkered cock BE20-6166515. He is a summer youngster born out of “Iron Man”(BE17-6025089) x “Pink Elektra”(BE17-6259749). “Iron Man”(BE17-6025089) has become a real super breeder at our loft. “Pink Elektra”(BE17-6259749) is one of those super “Elektro”(BE08-6174630) babies and mother to a.o. “Madrid”(BE19-6016217), 1° National z. Limoges (672km) 2,875 pigeons / 5° National Limoges (672km) 9,756 pigeons. The mother of BE21-6138296 is “Nevada”(BE15-6287021). She is a sister to “Origi”(BE13-6026050) and mother to several top performers. Our youngsters are raced on the 'sliding door' system, so cocks and hens are seperated during the week. Only BE21-6138296 is raced on the natural system. She has got now young babies as you can see on picture below, she had just fed them.

BE21-6138296 is a granddaughter to "Iron Man"(BE17-6025089)

The second prize was won by the blue cock BE21-6138128. He is bred from “Green Elektro”(BE16-6032101) x “Mustang Princess”(BE17-6026617). “Green Elektro”(BE16-6032101) is one of the best breeding children from “Elektro”(BE08-6174630). “Mustang Princess”(BE17-6026617) is a child of “Mustang”(BE14-6175237) and mother to the sensation of 2021, “Mustang Queen”(BE19-6016108)!

Second prize winner BE21-6138128 is a half-brother to "Mustang Queen"(BE19-6016108)

“Mustang Queen”(BE19-6016108) won a.o. :
1° fast. National zone Chateauroux (526km) 2,650 p. (1,081 m/min) (8h7min flying)
1° fast. Provincial Chateauroux (526km) 2,280 p. (9 minutes ahead)
6° National Chateauroux (526km) 7,099 p.
1° fast. Provincial Bourges (479km) 9,041 p. (1,227 m/min)
2° National z. Bourges (479km) 4,313 p.
60° National Bourges (479km) 34,311 p.
1° Chevrain (354km) 869 p.
9° Melun (310km) 2,897 p.
10° Noyon (208km) 512 p.
11° Argenton (555km) 473 p.
17° Noyon (208km) 1,029 p.
18° Noyon (208km) 662 p.

"Green Elektro"(BE16-6032101) is a top son to "Elektro"(BE08-6174630)

Our third arrival was the dark cock BE21-6138208. His father is a son to “Elektro Junior”(BE16-6032012) and a half-brother to “Iron Man”(BE17-6025089). His mother is “Hainan 84”(BE17-6025484), a top breeding double granddaughter to “Mustang”(BE14-6175237).

BE21-6138208 is a grandson to "Elektro Junior"(BE16-6032012)

Our fourth arrival was the blue hen BE21-6138246. She is bred from two current top racers. Her father is BE19-6016058, a top performing son to “Elektro Junior”(BE16-6032012) x “Lilly”(BE15-6026002). Her mother is “Panda”(BE19-6016017), one of the top racers in the season 2021. “Panda”’(BE19-6016017) is a granddaughter to “Elektro”(BE08-6174630).

BE21-6138246 is a daughter to two top racers

"Panda"(BE19-6016017) won a.o. :
24° National La Souterraine (593km) 15,939 p.
74° National Issoudun (505km) 9,777 p.
91° National Argenton (552km) 14,787 p.
12° National z. Chateauroux (526km) 982 p.
15° National z. Bourges (472km) 1,303 p.
1° Chevrain (354km) 1,156 p.
5° Melun (310km) 259 p.
9° Melun (310km) 800 p.
10° Melun (310km) 1,028 p.
19° Melun (310km) 1,455 p.

Our fifth arrival was the checkered cock BE21-6138125. This bird is a son to “Super Elektro”(BE15-6026571). He is a half-brother to “Fanta”(BE18-6020277), 2° fast. National Issoudun (504km) 19,713 pigeons.

BE21-6138125 is a son to "Super Elektro"(BE15-6026571)

Our sixth arrival was the dark hen BE21-6138101. Earlier this season she already won 5° Nanteuil (259km) against 1,540 pigeons. BE21-6138101 is a granddaughter to “Samsung”(BE15-6026082) and “Mambo”(BE08-6144041).

The talented dark hen BE21-6138101

Our seventh arrival was the beautiful blue cock BE21-6138119. He is again a child of our superbreeder “London”(BE16-6032120). His mother “Pink Elektra”(BE17-6259749), one of those super “Elektro”(BE08-6174630) babies. BE21-6138119 is a full brother to “Madrid”(BE19-6016217), 1° National z. Limoges (672km) 2,875 pigeons / 5° National Limoges (672km) 9,756 pigeons.

BE21-6138119 is a beautiful son to "London"(BE16-6032120)

Arrival number eight was the dark hen BE21-6138027. She is a full sister to BE21-6138208, who was our third arrival on this Melun race. Their father is a son to “Elektro Junior”(BE16-6032012) and a half-brother to “Iron Man”(BE17-6025089). Their mother is “Hainan 84”(BE17-6025484), a top breeding double granddaughter to “Mustang”(BE14-6175237).

Arrival number nine was the checkered cock BE21-6138214. He is a grandson to “Elektro Junior”(BE16-6032012) and “Lilly”(BE15-6026002). He is a half-brother to “Panda”(BE19-6016017), one of the super racers this year. Also two full brothers of BE21-6138214 have already shown their talent this year. 

Arrival number ten was the checkered hen BE21-6138106. She is a child to two super birds. Her father is the famous “Olympic Elektro”(PL0264-13-400). Her mother is “Shaki”(BE17-6025048). She was a great racing hen and now she is proving to be a top breeding hen too! “Olympic Elektro”(PL0264-13-400) and “Shaki”(BE17-6025048) are both grandchildren to “Elektro”(BE08-6174630).

Top hen "Shaki"(BE17-6025048)

Arrival number 11 was the dark cock BE21-6138098. His father is “Power Barco”(BE16-6032318), winner of 2° National Chateauroux (526km). His mother is a daughter to “Olympic Elektro”(PL0264-13-400).

"Power Barco"(BE16-6032318) won 2° National Chateauroux (526km)

Arrival number 12 was the checkered hen BE21-6138042. Her father is former racer “Ito”(BE17-6025336). Her mother is “Elektro Princess”(BE17-6025201), one of the best breeding children to “Elektro”(BE08-6174630). “Elektro Princess”(BE17-6025201) is mother to a.o. “Sunny”(BE18-6020083), winner of 1° National z. Chateauroux (526km) 819 pigeons / 3° National Chateauroux (526km) 2,850 pigeons.

Arrival number 13 was the checkered white flight cock BE21-6138175. Her father is “Jos the Boss”(BE20-6166218), a very talented racing cock who won this year a.o. 46° National Argenton (555km) against 21,282 pigeons. “Joss the Boss”(BE20-6166218) is a son to “Shaki”(BE17-6025048) and a grandson to “Iron Man”(BE17-6025089).

Arrival number 14 was the checkered hen BE21-6138037. She is a daughter to “Didi”(BE16-6032013), a son to “Elektro”(BE08-6174630) and the nest-brother to “Elektro Junior”(BE16-6032012). BE21-6138037 is a half-sister to “Ali Baba”(BE20-6166106), winner of 1° National z. Argenton (555km) 1,615 pigeons / 5° National Argenton (555km) 9,851 pigeons.

Arrival number 15 was the checkered hen BE21-6138212. She is a daughter to “Elektro Lady 67”(BE16-6032067) and a granddaughter to “Elektro”(BE08-6174630).

Arrival number 16 was the checkered hen BE21-6138158. Her father is a son to “Emma”(BE14-6175008). Her mother is a proven racing hen herself and a half-sister to “Olympic La Donna”(BE18-6020283), the best all-round racing bird of Belgium in the racing season 2020.

Arrival number 17 was the dark hen BE21-6138012. She was our second nominated pigeon. Her father is “Diamond Elektro”(BE16-6032332), a son to “Elektro”(BE08-6174630). “Diamond Elektro”(BE16-6032331) is father to the sensation of 2021, “Mustang Queen”(BE19-6016108)! The mother of BE21-6138012 is “Mercedes”(BE18-6020232), a talented daughter to “Mustang”(BE14-6175237).

Top breeder "Diamond Elektro"(BE16-6032331)

Arrival number 18 was the blue hen BE21-6138115. She is a granddaughter to “Mustang”(BE14-6175237).

Arrival number 19 was BE21-6138147. This bird is also bred from the typical Vercammen breeding lines. You can find birds like “Super Elektro”(BE15-6026571) and “Delphine”(BE11-6282004) in the pedigree of this bird.

Arrival number 20 was the blue cock BE21-6138019. His father is “Super Milos”(BE15-6300356), a valuable breeder at our loft. His mother is “Ilke”(BE17-6025255), winner of 1° National z. Chateauroux (526km) 1,563 pigeons / 2° National Chateauroux (526km) 4,641 pigeons. “Ilke”(BE17-6025255) is a granddaughter to “Mustang”(BE14-6175237).

Arrival number 21 was BE21-6138189. The father of this pigeon is a son to “Emma”(BE14-6175008). The mother of this bird is “Miss Mustang”(BE17-6025108), a daughter to “Mustang”(BE14-6175237). “Miss Mustang”(BE17-6025108) won 2° National z. Chateauroux (526km) 1,563 pigeons / 3° National Chateauroux (526km) 4,641 pigeons.