
Let us present you “BMW”(BE23-6062272). Yesterday she was the fastest old bird of the whole release ( 1° / 1,977 birds) on the very difficult Sermaises (362km) race!




Let us present you “BMW”(BE23-6062272). Yesterday she was the fastest old bird of the whole release ( 1° / 1,977 birds) on the very difficult Sermaises (362km) race!


We have some talented birds in our young birds team. Last weekend they won 1° + 2° + 3° prize on the Noyon (208km) race against 895 youngsters!

Homepage Intro


The Jos Vercammen loft has had a meteoric rise to the firmament of international pigeon racing. One top result has followed another, but, what is also of great importance, numerous fanciers throughout the world had National and International successes with the Vercammen pigeons. The Vercammen loft is based on birds of superior origin, therefore such a high percentage of top-class pigeons are born at Vremde.
Vercammen pigeons crossed with yours? It is almost a guarantee of success!

Read more about the Jos Vercammen Loft

Our toppigeons